Carolyn LoBocchiaro, O.D. Optometric Physician Diplomate, American Board of Optometry
New Jersey’s Trusted Optometric Physician
“There’s More to an Eye Exam Than Just Reading the Chart.”
Our Ocular Disease Management Options
Ocular disease is any disease that affects your vision and eye health. To understand what each condition means and how it can be treated, explore our descriptions and treatment approaches at Freehold Eye & Vision Care in Freehold, New Jersey.

Glaucoma is optic nerve damage caused by high internal pressures of the eye. When the drainage system of the eye cannot efficiently remove excess fluid inside of it, the growing pressure can permanently damage the nerve fibers, eventually leading to vision loss.
Dr. LoBocchiaro can monitor your optic nerve with various tests and technologies, such as visual field testing, fundus photography, and optical coherence tomography.
If necessary, we can control ocular pressure with medicated eye drops and oral drugs.
If your glaucoma does not respond to medication, we can refer you to an eye surgeon for a painless procedure to improve eye drainage.

A cataract is caused by proteins clumping in the lens of the eye, resulting in the lens becoming opaque instead of transparent. The symptoms include the following:
- Blurred Vision
- Poor Color and/or Night Vision
- Extreme Glare Sensitivity
- Sparkly “Halos” Around Bright Lights
Since cataracts usually progress slowly, corrective devices, such as glasses and glare filters, can compensate for vision changes in the early stage. People needing cataract removal surgery are referred to a specialist, and we co-manage their recuperation.
Macular Degeneration
This is a progressive disease that generally occurs during one’s later years. It does irreversible damage to the macula, which is the retinal tissue that controls our central vision.
Our eye doctor will closely monitor this condition, recommending lifestyle changes, UV protection, and other strategies to minimize the progression. Advanced cases can also be treated with injectable medications.
Infectious Conjunctivitis
Also known as pink eye, conjunctivitis is the irritation of the membrane between the eyelid and the white of the eye. This condition may be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi that come into contact with one’s eye.
Conjunctivitis is commonly treated with topical medications such as eye drops and ointments. It is also recommended for people with pink eye to avoid contact with other people to prevent the spread of the condition.

Ocular Inflammations
Inflammation of the eye commonly occurs in response to the following:
• Infection
• Allergies
• Autoimmune disorders
• Irritation
• Injury
• Trauma to the eyes, eyelids, or the surrounding tissues
The part of the eye that can be affected depends on the cause of the inflammation. Treatment for this condition will also vary based on this.
Eyelid Styes and Cellulitis
A stye is a painful red bump in or on the edge of your eyelid. Advanced cases spread to become cellulitis. Styes and cellulitis can be treated with topical and/or oral antibiotics.
Ocular Allergies
These are the abnormal response of sensitive eyes to contact with allergens and other irritating substances. Ocular allergies are commonly treated with eye drops, oral medications, or both.
Contact Lenses-Related Corneal Ulcers
This condition is a defect in the surface epithelium of the cornea, which is common in contact lens wearers. It presents as eye pain, blurry vision, and photophobia. A corneal ulcer, left untreated, can progress to scarring and vision loss.
We highly recommend seeking an appointment with an optometric physician if you feel any sort of pain or unusual sensation when using any type of contact lens.